Sunday 31 October 2010

Scary or what!?!

Miss Sensible was invited to a Halloween party so it seemed an ideal opportunity to crash out on the sofa and watch a scary movie with Minor Mayhem. I rooted through the dvd collection and pulled out 'An American Werewolf in London' apt choice for the time of year.

Yep the dvd cover clearly states '18', but I'm thinking, that film was made almost 30 years ago and things were much tamer then, plus it wasn't particularly scary from what I can recall.... I'd clearly forgotten the opening scene with a reasonably graphic discussion about some woman Jack's 'after', not to mention the bit later where David's hiding in a 'cinema' in Soho complete with plenty of coverage of the movie content!!! What to do!?! Switch it off stating it's unsuitable viewing or accept he probably hears just as bad on the playground....Opted for the latter but inwardly squirmed with embarrassment...That'll teach me to go against the censors! Just hope he doesn't go into school tomorrow and brag about watching 'unsuitable material' or my reputation as "sooo unfair" (aka strict) is shot...that'll be the last time the Governors ask for my assistance.....


  1. Is that film really 30 years old? I remember watching it in the cinema. Doesn’t time fly when you’re getting old?

    Just send Minor Mayhem to school with a gag until he forgets the film. Or, have you considered blackmail?
    The enigmatic, masked blogger

  2. It is 29 years old - 1981 & if truth be told I was only 16 when I saw it ;o)

    Himself is off out 'trick or treating' with his mates later so hopefully last nights episode wil be soon forgotten...

  3. I'm probably a little more 'worn' ;o)
