Monday 5 July 2010

Trials & tribulations for today

centred around tattoos...we've deployed two guys to Afghanistan and the customer they're working for doesn't appreciate their body art so we need to transfer them...sounds straight-forward but I reckon 80% of the guys have some tattoo or other, and the younger ones are into it in a big way (God I sound old-arsed saying that!). There are cultural sensitivities the Māoris start having tattoos at adolescence to celebrate important events throughout life. Their first tattoo marks the transition from childhood to adulthood and is done with a whole series of rites and's an important part of their culture, a show of strength, courage and status...Maori men without tattoos are considered to be without status or worth. Then there's the whole discrimination angle which could be extrapolated to the Human Rights angle... What to do?? In some respects you'd almost expect the Clients to feel more comfortable with someone who looks 'hard'. Need to have a conversation about a guy due to be deployed Monday who apparantly has a tattooed head!!!!

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