Saturday 23 October 2010

Quick change artist

when I got in last night...sorted the sprogs, changed, tarted myself up and was out in forty minutes! Why so hasty? Wanted to get to the leaving 'do' for yet another batch of leavers from my last employers. The place was packed with people who'd left yonks ago as well as those going through the current exit process. The gang of five whose party it was had all been with the company from leaving education; a minimum 20 odd years ago. The inimitable Mr. P, a consummate after dinner speaker did a fab speech stuffed with anecdotes of their past, previous misdemeanours and the respective strengths the company was losing. A huge wrench for them to move on, but much as they were sad about the end of an era, I think all are starting to realise the place is not what it was and there is life outside the security cordon. 'Twas good to catch up with people who'd already moved on, find out what they've been up to and see that all seem much happier with their new lives. One slightly surreal realisation was that of the two bands playing I'd actually recruited some the band members as new grads many moons ago :o)


  1. I accidentally ran into one of my colleagues (soon to be ex-colleagues) last week. She’s the fourth to resign in a very short period, and I’m invited to her leaving do. It’ll seem strange to see everyone again. But I know the alcohol will help.
    The enigmatic, masked blogger

  2. Haemorrhaging staff at that rate says it all about the company/management but it's a great excuse for a 'do'.
    Meeting up with ex-colleagues is the weirdest going back into another paradigm. The bestest bit is that when you're not 'on-site' you can just relax and natter about the happy memories and think about a new life.
