Saturday 20 November 2010

Landed in 'Madchester'

That wasn't on the agenda!!! Crash at Brum so they closed the runway hence change of route. The knock on effect was a massive a backlog of diverted flights which meant we were left on the aircraft waiting to disembark for an hour and a half whilst the ground crew dealt with the influx of additional passengers plus their onward transport.

Fortunately one of the staff at the taxi company booked to collect me from Birmingham sounded the alert and a whole chain of telecoms ensued whereupon the aged parents came to the rescue, organising a taxi to transport me back to their place.

Bit disorientated when I woke up in my old childhood bed this morning...slightly surreal end to the trip but lovely to spend some time with the folks and get a bit of fussing :o) Almond croissant & fresh coffee this morning...bestest breakfast all week...mind you, that wouldn't be hard ;o)

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