Saturday 10 April 2010

Steel City drop-off

again. Getting to the stage where I can almost find my way round Sheffield blindfold. Drove over via the supermarket to ensure fully re-stocked cupboards. Little did we know what we were about to be faced with. On opening the front door a somewhat unpleasant aroma greeted us. The smell permeated from the unspeakably filthy kitchen...never seen anything quite so bad in my life. Didn't feel I could just turn on my heel & leave her to it so donned on the rubber gloves and got stuck in nearly heaving in the process! Someone had left some veg at the bottom of the fridge a fortnight ago and it has disintegrated into the most revolting stinky, slimy mess. Add to that an un-emptied bin and a pile of festering, mould encrusted dishes strewn in the sink, across work-surfaces and in the lounge, and start you get the general picture. Should have taken out shares in cleaning products before I through loads of the stuff but at least now it's something like hygienic. Ah the joys of a shared house....

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