Friday, 14 May 2010


the blog of late but have a sound excuse. My dad was diagnosed with cancer which, goes without saying, was a bit of a shock. People may criticize the NHS but, from what I’ve seen, they’ve been faultless. From the initial suspicion they ran a battery of tests and had him lined up for an op very quickly. The upshot is I took him into hospital last Sunday whilst they filled in copious forms, carried out risk assessments, took blood and did swabs etc. He also had to see the anesthetist whom it turned out was Ukrainian so half the conversation regarding the type of pain relief he might want was carried out in Russian, as you do....!?!

The surgery seems to have gone well and they're confident they've removed the tumor so hope he won't need further treatment. He's now hooked up on various drips, epidural pain relief and has tubes sticking out of his chest but he's through the worst bit and in the right place to make a good recovery.

The Nurses have been great...they look after him so well, and are genuinely caring, plus, being Scousers, they also inject a lot of warmth & humor which I am sure will aid the recovery process.

My boss has been lovely allowing me to work around things even though I’ve only been with the company such a short amount of time. It's very weird being back in your childhood home and working... feels slightly surreal...did a telecom with the MD of Jersey in my PJs, had a discussion on the Occupational Health provision, chatted to the auditor, and carried out a catch up with my Ops guy in London... during which morning coffee & biscuits arrived courtesy of Mum - way better than being in the office! :o)

Have tried my best to distract Mum & try to ensure she didn’t fret too much by taking her for out and about for mooching about sessions. We went out for afternoon tea then went for a bit of a drive ending up at a fab garden centre where I bought loads of new plants for my garden...variation on the archetypal woman's shoe fetish ;o) Slightly distracted by everything that’s been happening, stopped up at a road junction, car in front of me pulled away and then slammed on the breaks for no reason...the driver's now got a very crumpled boot :o( No damage whatsoever to the Audi but not ideal on day 2 of ownership. Oops!

Feel guilty going back to Malvern but there's not much more I can do here and Mum's got the next lot of support services lined up so I guess I'm off duty until he comes home.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this, as you can imagine. However, it sounds hopeful that the surgery got the cancer, and that your father won't need any more treatment. You (and he) have my and Gillian's best wishes.

  2. hi its craig here,you look surprised,
    sad news as i lost mum on thursday could not bring myself to call you, too upset, hope dad gets well ,give dad my best wishes, i will call soon.

  3. Hi Chris, thanks for the best wishes from both of you. We're hopefully that this tumor won't require further treatment. They're still assessing the primary. He's not recovering as well as they'd hoped, having problems breathing & holding down food but he's got excellent care.

  4. Craig, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. You know I was very fond of her...such a strong woman and very supportive to Strident Student and I when we were still living in the North. I completely understand you don't want to talk, but when you do, you know where I am.

    I'll probably be up at my Mum's next weekend if you want to meet up. Thinking of you,
    Loads of love R x
