Thursday 9 June 2011

2:52am so my alarm clock reckoned....

when I was woken by something scampering around above my head then happily gnawing noisily. How am I supposed to sleep knowing that I've got something up there!?!

Pulled the quilt back over my head but....Nope! There's definitely something above me and I'm convinced it's in the loft space & not on the roof. Sounds somewhat bigger than a mouse too! So much so I kept wondering if it was going materialise through the ceiling at some point! Stayed where I was as I was too knackered to move and did eventually drop off again but dreamt of rodents taking over.

Having undertaken Hostile Environment Assessment Training, firearms and defensive driving training I should better equipped than most, but maybe I should ask our Specialist Training dept whether they run anything focused on dealing with Ninja Squirrels before I venture up there to repossess my loft….

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