Tuesday 7 December 2010

Minus 10

last night as I sat waiting for Miss Sensible outside the sax teacher's house freezing my bits off. (One of the aspects of motherhood they forget to tell you about...) Needless to say by 3.10am this morning I was coughing my guts up and decided against travelling to London on the crack of dawn train to contaminate the rest of the team. Having angst about that decision I finally switched off the alarm and rolled over only to have my slumbers rudely disturbed by the smoke alarm shrieking at 4.30am!!!

Picture the scene.....me charging downstairs half asleep, desperately checking for fire. Phew, no sign of anything untoward...but can't stop the bleedin' alarm...ceiling heights...one of the joys of living in a Victorian house! So that necessitated venturing into the frozen depths of the garage for a ladder :o/ Meanwhile...worryingly....no one else in the house stirred... No idea what set if off and can't be arsed trying to find out...That's the limit of the excitement in my neck of the woods a.t.m...tame, but with some novelty value none the less.

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