Tuesday 8 February 2011

Part of the entertainment this job provides is finding all kinds of random airlines to travel with and yesterday was no exception...Global.

The fun and games starts at Baghdad airport where the check-in desk is not opened until the last possible moment and naturally locals are seen to first so I end up allocated literally & metaphorically the last seat on the aircraft (the safest I'm reliably informed). I head through to the departure lounge and, as usual, am the only western female so subject to much scrutiny.

On board I am accosted by the Colombian purser who demands to know what I've been doing in Iraq and strikes up quite a conversation resulting in him explaining to me he has a business he runs as a side-line specialising in the import of Colombian goods into Dubai and he's sure he could help my company...I dread to think what this might include. So there I am trapped on this aircraft with a mad smuggler and due to extreme turbulence feeling highly likely to throw up. Furthermore half an hour after I check into the hotel I'm interviewing a prospective Director....Some days they simply don't pay me enough!


  1. I can't think of the last time I was about to puke on a plane in Iraq with a dodgy Colombian trying to rope me into his smuggling business.

    I do get confused, happens all the time. x

  2. It was quite a scene believe me!! I just kept thinking what a western woman wuss they'd think me...can't let the side down...
