Tuesday 7 September 2010

Another couple of firsts

  1. first time on a plane with propellers. I can now proudly state I have been on a Dehavilland Dash 8-400 Turbo Prop. Got to admit I thought that type of aircraft was a relic from the 1970s but it seems not. It was incredibly noisy but had it's advantages; cruising at 1700ft you're able to see the countryside spread out below like a patchwork quilt, and test your geography by trying to recognise places like Southampton from an aerial view.
2. I've been to Jersey...never been to the Channel Islands before. Although it was a work trip (honest Guv), the MD who was hosting us drove us around the island, telling us all about the history of the place and pointing out landmarks etc. We also managed to squeeze in lunch at a fab place overlooking Corbière Lighthouse. One thing I really noticed was the pace of life is slow...literally 15mph in some places (no good for rally types Rocketman ;o) It kind of felt like going back in time to the UK as it was 30 years ago. So not as exotic as some of the other business trips this year, but far more civilised...

1 comment:

  1. I used to fly a few times a year on business. Just never felt comfortable in a plane.
