Monday 20 September 2010

Sunday roast

is back on the menu due to the onset of autumn & the need for comfort food. On canvassing opinions from my colleagues they all see this as a positive move, however the sproglets see it as the basis of complaint as:
  1. that they have to eat more vegetables than is considered reasonable (which brought to mind a comment made by the Middle Eastern Correspondent to my mother many moons ago as he lifted the lid on a pan of Broccoli, "I don't 'do' green things")
  2. there is a predictability about the next days dinner...
Roast chicken is followed by a Chicken Curry (Thai or Indian...tonight being the latter); roast lamb is transformed into Scouse (*what else!); roast pork coverts to Sweet & Sour; whilst roast beef may materialise as either Strew & Dumplings or Goulash.

I had thought that this was a reasonable arrangement and certainly economical & nutritious, but it seems perhaps I should invest in some Turkey Twizzlers so they know which side their bread's buttered on....pardon the pun ;o)


  1. Oh, I love my Sunday roast, and would be lost without it. Needless to say, I don’t make it myself; it’s a Sunday outing to my parents’ house. My mum roasts every Sunday that she’s in, come hell or high water. And, I love the veg as well.
    The enigmatic, masked blogger strikes again

  2. Have you got a good recipe for scouse never was able to make it properly - Nicky

  3. It used to be a bit like that around here until it was proclaimed unadventurous and mundane so we moved onto seafood lasagne, Moroccan tagines and other slightly more cosmopolitan dishes but somehow, much as I enjoy them, I do actually enjoy a roast, and despite the complaints Minor Mayhem did offer to make Yorkshire puds yesterday...albeit with roast chicken...can't fault his enthusiasm.... ;o)

  4. Nicola-la...a Scouser what can't make Scouse!?! Oh yeah, you come from the Wirral... ;o)

    Come round for coffee Weds and I'll share the family recipe...copyright Holmes family © & not to be published on t'internet :o)
